I have yet to reach my full grown blossom 🌱


J.Saenz, hailing from the Lone Star State, is a melodic rapper, singer, and songwriter who transcends traditional genre boundaries. With a distinctive blend of rap, hip-hop, pop, and reggaeton, J.Saenz has emerged as a unique and influential voice in the contemporary music scene. His captivating melodies, thought-provoking lyrics, and dynamic vocals attract intrigue from people of all different backgrounds, captivating listeners wordwide.

J.Saenz Hoodie

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Love from fans

I'm glad you made "X". We don't know eachother very well. I really listened to the lyrics and where I'm at right now, it just helped me look up a little. Thanks.


Hey I just took the time to hear your song. It was very sentimental and deep. It truly touched my heart. You have such a talent that needs more recognition and you are very good at what you do. Keep up the good work.


"X" is such an amazing song. I can not get over it. Your words make absolute sense. For people who suffer with anxiety, it's the anthem.


Music is Universal

Music is Healing

Music is Love

What is music to YOU?

  • Release

  • Your inner Demons
  • Be

  • Kind, Loving, Caring
  • Create

  • Your own reality


Your inner Demons


Kind, Loving, Caring


Your own reality